MartarelloCLICK is the innovative technology for single shots patented in our laboratories.
This new system is the outcome of almost a hundred years’ experience in the creation of fireworks displays, allowing professional users to revolutionize the production processes when preparing the shows, ensuring practicality, speed, reliability and cost savings.
- SIMPLIFICATION of transportation, installation and fireworks displays setup procedures
- ELIMINATION of traditional igniters
- FULLY COMPATIBLE with mounting plates
- Cost savings thanks to the RE-USE OF COMPONENTS
- WATERTIGHT system.
MartarelloCLICK is made of a special molded plastic material which makes it lightweight and extremely durable.
The kit consists of a base (A), designed to be compatible with any existing firing system, in which the bayonet support of the shot tube is fixed (B).
An electronic ignition circuit board (C), is housed inside the tube and is easily replaceable even when loaded.
The bayonet support of the tubes is provided with a toroidal rubber seal (D) that ensures waterproofness right in the ignition point of the artifice.
The use of MartarelloCLICK makes installation operations quick and easy like no other system.
You simply insert the tube into the base and lock it by rotating a few degrees clockwise: an operation anyone can carry out blindfolded!
MartarelloCLICK be reused multiple times with significant cost savings compared to traditional systems: moreover, the electronic ignition circuit board (C) and the toroidal rubber seal (D) can be purchased separately, as well as the bases, which can be supplied individually in order to update the old firing systems with MartarelloCLICK.
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